The Classroom I Needed: How AI Will Redefine Student Support

Kavitta Ghai
September 25, 2024
As a first-generation college student with autism and ADHD, my undergraduate years were marked by a constant struggle to keep up, fit in, and find my footing. In lecture halls filled with unfamiliar jargon and fast-paced discussions, I often felt lost, unsure, and deeply alone.

Within the first week of college, it became undeniably clear that I needed help—a patient guide to clarify confusing concepts, a judgment-free space to ask questions, a support system to help me navigate the overwhelming newness of it all. But like so many students, I was left to sink or swim on my own. I couldn’t stop thinking about the fact that I was paying a 5-figure price tag for a product that I had to figure out how to gain the correct value from all on my own.

It's an isolating experience I don't want any learner to face again—and with the rise of AI in education, I wholeheartedly believe they won't have to. That’s exactly why we’re creating the classroom of the future we needed here at Nectir. We’re a group of ex-students and teachers who are dedicated to creating real solutions to the biggest problems our education system is facing today.

After just one term of using Nectir AI, students and faculty at Los Angeles Pacific University reported a 20% increase in GPAs, a 13% rise in average final scores, a 36% boost in motivation, and a 13% improvement in self-efficacy.

Let’s Build A 24/7 Lifeline for Every Learner

When 1 out of every 3 freshman is dropping out of school before their sophomore year, it becomes crystal clear that we have a dire need for better student support infrastructure that every learner has access to from the moment they matriculate to the day they graduate. Imagine if every student had access to a tireless, infinitely adaptable learning companion—an AI-powered support system intimately familiar with their course content and ready to provide personalized help whenever they need it.

For the student struggling to understand a lecture, their AI Course Assistant could break down complex ideas into digestible chunks, even translating content into their native language. For the learner wrestling with how to start a paper, their AI Writing Coach could brainstorm ideas and provide constructive feedback. And for the student grappling with a challenging new concept, their AI Tutor could reframe textbook explanations in ways tailored to their unique understanding.

This is the power of integrating AI into the classroom—not to replace human instruction, but to provide the kind of 24/7 individualized support that can make the critical difference between a student thriving or falling through the cracks.

A Force Multiplier for Educators

The transformative potential of AI extends beyond individual student support. For educators, personalized AI technology can be a game-changing ally in the mission to support each and every learner that passes through their classroom.

One of the most powerful aspects of AI in education is the ability to train assistants on the specific content of each course. Rather than generic support, educators can now have an AI partner that deeply understands the unique material, assignments, and learning objectives of their class.

By handling routine questions and providing targeted feedback based on their specific course content, AI assistants can free educators up to focus on the high-impact, deeply human work of teaching—the one-on-one guidance, the in-depth discussions, the spark of connection that drew so many to this calling in the first place.

What's more, the data analytics provided by many AI education platforms can offer educators unprecedented real-time insights into student understanding and engagement. Armed with this knowledge, instructors can proactively identify and support struggling students before they fall behind and simultaneously provide them with a dedicated AI assistant to bridge the gap in time.

Personalized AI in Action: Results from the Frontlines

While the full potential of AI in education is still unfolding, pioneering institutions are already demonstrating the transformative power of this technology in practice. My team and I have spoken to hundreds of schools from across the nation over the past few months, all of whom are ready to integrate AI into their classrooms. It’s a welcome change from the typical sentiment of new edtech taking years to adopt.

Take the case of Los Angeles Pacific University (LAPU), which recently partnered with Nectir to integrate AI Course Assistants into every class on campus. In less than six weeks, LAPU was able to provide AI-powered support to thousands of students, with each learner gaining access to 24/7 personalized assistance tailored to their specific course content and adapted to their individual learning needs.

The impact was immediate and profound. Students reported deeper engagement and understanding as they interacted with their AI tutors, while faculty noted improved student performance and a reduction in their own workload. By leveraging Nectir AI's seamless LMS integration and streamlined content ingestion process, LAPU was able to bring the benefits of personalized AI support to every student, without overburdening educators.

After just one term of using Nectir AI Course Assistants, students and faculty at Los Angeles Pacific University reported a 20% increase in GPAs, a 13% rise in average final scores, a 36% boost in motivation, and a 13% improvement in self-efficacy.

LAPU's success offers a powerful proof point for the potential of AI to drive educational equity at scale. By providing every learner with a tireless, personalized coach, institutions can dramatically expand access to the kind of targeted support that can make all the difference in a student's trajectory.

Easier Than You Think: Integrating AI in Your Classroom

For many educators, the prospect of bringing AI into the classroom can feel daunting. But the reality is that integrating this technology is often far easier than most imagine. We’ve specifically built our technology hand-in-hand with Stanford GSB, LA Pacific University, and Boston University to ensure that it is actually something that educators and students can utilize with ease, rather than it being just a shiny tool that eventually sits on the shelf.

Many AI education platforms, like Nectir AI, are designed to seamlessly integrate with the existing learning management systems, allowing instructors to create custom AI assistants for their courses with just a few clicks. By securely uploading course content, assignments, and resources, educators can quickly equip their students with AI guides tailored to their specific teaching methodologies and syllabus structure.

The result is a flexible, scalable support system that meets students and faculty where they are—without adding extra burden to an educator's already-full plate. Whether serving as a friendly first point of contact for a shy student or a targeted tutor for a learner wrestling with a tough concept, AI can actually amplify an educator's impact, rather than take away from it.

For educators considering integrating AI into their classrooms, the benefits of early adoption are clear. By embracing AI tools sooner, educators position themselves to reap significant rewards: a competitive edge in student outcomes and satisfaction, the opportunity to shape the development of educational AI, the cultivation of in-demand skills for the future, and the ability to attract forward-thinking students and faculty. Most crucially, early adoption is an investment in equity—a powerful step towards ensuring every student, regardless of background, has access to the personalized support they need to thrive. In a rapidly evolving educational landscape, the educators who seize the potential of AI today will be the leaders shaping the classrooms of tomorrow.

Building a More Equitable Future, Together

As an edtech founder and former struggling student, I've seen firsthand the difference the right support system can make. It's the reason I'm so passionate about leveraging personalized AI to redefine what's possible in education.

With this innovative technology as our ally, I believe we can create a future where no student has to feel the isolation and self-doubt I did—a future where every learner, regardless of background or learning style, has the 24/7 support ecosystem they need to not just survive, but thrive in every single class they take.

It's a vision that will take ongoing collaboration to realize—a commitment from educators, students, technologists, and leaders to harness the power of AI not in place of human connection, but in service of it.

As the powerful stories of schools like LAPU remind us, it's a future within our immediate reach—and our team at Nectir is more committed than ever to building it, one AI-powered classroom at a time.

Kavitta Ghai
September 25, 2024

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